Counselors' Corner

Welcome to Groveton ISD's Counselors' Corner! We now have three official counselors on campus. Click on the campus at the bottom of the page to view information for each individual campus. 

What is the role of a school counselor? 

School counselors help all students:

  • apply academic achievement strategies
  • manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills
  • plan for postsecondary options

Appropriate duties of a school counselor include providing:

  • individual student academic planning and goal setting
  • school counseling classroom lessons
  • short-term counseling for students
  • referrals for long-term support
  • collaboration with familes/teachers/administration/community for student success

For more information, please view the  ASCA School Counselor Role Statement

March 2025


A student is considered "homeless" if any one of these situations applies:

  • You are staying in a home that is not yours or your parent's (or legal guardian's) because you had to leave your home
  • You are in an unstable living situation, without a safe or steady home
  • You are sleeping in a motel, car, tent, abandoned building, or public place
  • You are staying in a shelter or transitional living program OR
  • You are in foster care

If you fit this description, more information on your rights as a homeless youth in Texas can be found at the following links:

Youth Rights- Unaccompanied Homeless Youth

Obtaining a Birth Certificate, Driver's License, or ID

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

(TEA's McKinney-Vento information site has been under construction so if the above link isn't working try ESC VI McKinney-Vento Act Information)

For more assistance or if you have any questions, please contact Krystle Page at or 936-642-1473 ext 8119. 

Counselor Pages by Campus